Scientific name - Digitaria didactyla (formerly D. swazilandensis)
Aussiblue Couch is an improved variety of blue couch ideally suited to the conditions here in south east Queensland. It has an impressive appearance with lower maintenance requirements than its predecessor.
AussiBlue Couch Characteristics
- AussieBlue Couch has an attractive blue green colour that presents well all year round.
- AussiBlue Couch grows more quickly than Queensland Blue Couch which makes it hardier and better at self repairing.
- AussiBlue Couch has a deep root system that enhances its drought tolerance.
- AussiBlue Couch is more shade tolerant than Queensland Blue Couch and other common green couch varieties.
- AussiBlue Couch forms a dense mat which is resistant to weed invasion.
- AussiBlue Couch has a soft feel and is non irritant.
- AussiBlue Couch requires less fertiliser to maintain its colour than other couch varieties.
- AussiBlue Couch displays improved resistance to pest and disease problems.
- AussiBlue Couch is ideally suited for a domestic lawn, commercial premises, parks and public spaces.
AussiBlue Couch - "The best Blue Couch".